Celebrating 20 years of teaching those wanting to become landmen to enhancing professional landman’s knowledge in 38 states.
Contact us to learn how you can enroll in our online courses.
IEM History
The Institute of Energy Management provides the most extensive catalog of professional academic and real-world vocational courses and workshops available today for those looking to become a Petroleum Landman to the most advanced Petroleum Landmen, Oil and Gas Attorneys, and Right -of-Way Agents which were created by a highly recognized board of Oil and Gas Attorneys, Executive Senior Petroleum Landmen, Senior Right-of-Way Agents, and Seasoned Oil and Gas Educators for the Petroleum Industry and the Alternative Energy Industry sectors.
IEM is the first training platform of its kind and each course is created, individually reviewed, and approved by our elite, industry recognized Advisory Board Committee of highly skilled and experienced Petroleum Landmen, Oil and Gas Attorneys, and Right-of-Way Agents. This Committee ensures the best quality course curriculum available anywhere for your company’s training needs and excellent student development.
IEM’s course catalog includes subjects such as: Beginning to advanced Mineral Title, Due Diligence, Beginning to advanced Title Curative Issues, Beginning to advanced Oil and Gas Lease Issues, Surface Damage Critical Issues, Beginning to advanced Wills and Heirship Issues, Beginning to advanced Held By Production Title, Production Sharing Agreements, Advanced Oil and Gas Contracts, Joint Operating Agreements – before and after the initial well, Alternative Energy Land Practices, and Successful Negotiations and Oil and Gas Project Evaluation Essentials, and Managing Land Brokers and data along with Maintaining Land Budgets. New courses and workshops are continually being developed.
All of our courses are taught by recognized seasoned industry professionals (Senior Petroleum Landmen, Senior Oil and Gas Attorneys, and Senior Right-of-Way Agents), many who are known for their publications and teaching ability with the American Association of Professional Landmen (AAPL), International Right-of-Way Association (IRWA), colleges, universities and the Rocky Mountain Mineral Law Foundation.
The courses carry Continued Educational Credits with both the IRWA and the APPL and are presented by live instruction, self-paced online formats (recorded instructor for easier learning and better instruction) and live Webinars/Zoom, and can include night courses on Zoom for those with a busy workweek schedule.
Most of the courses include homework assignments, testing programs, and vocational workshops to ensure the student’s retention and application ability, and which provides the company with employee evaluation by way of showing the student’s strengths and weaknesses.